natural habit中文什么意思

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  1. such contradictions, which are not very satisfying, often emerge from observational studies shere researchers record the natural habits and health of people
  2. when we constantly turn inward, our happiness supplies enough wisdom for us to work out all our problems, no matter how stressful . and we come to love other beings naturally as we love ourselves . love and forgiveness become our natural habits no matter what our abilities or skills
  3. in the first chapter titled " the history of teahouses in western sichuan province ", i trace the development of teahouses in western sichuan . by way of quoting from historical documents, townspeople's and visitors " narration as well as indigenous writers " literary works, i want to present the evolution of teahouses in western sichuan . to ordinary people at western sichuan, patronizing teahouses is a natural habit, part of their daily routine, formed through ages


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